
More about us, our mission, and our fantastic DMs.

Our Story

Ann began her adventure in 2018 by signing up for an adventure league game at a game store over an hour away from her home. She fell in love with the game immediately. She played in that game store every week eventually joining a second campaign in the store. Then Covid-19 hit, the adventure league shut down, and the campaign had a rushed ending online a few months later. One of her friends from the game store started two new campaigns to fill the void. He showed her roll20 and how to use it. She was hooked again, with more free time then ever she started running a few campaigns for friends. When her job cut her hours, she still had to pay her bills. After trying a few assorted side hustles with little success and no enjoyment, she realized that some people are professional DMs. Her first game she played was a paid game, she knew roll20 had features on their listings for paid games. She chose a short campaign to see if she could handle it. March of 2021 She founded Ann's Adventures. She loved it. We have been adding campaigns to our schedule every few months. We are so grateful and excited for this opportunity to do what we love full time. In September of 2022 Ann's Adventures became a Twitch affiliate. In October 2022 we added our second Game Master, Che to the team. In January we added our third Game Master, Henry to the team.

Woman in pajamas in a headset holding a book

Meet our GMs