Ann’s Adventures is at various Conventions

Ann’s Adventures would like to thank everyone at Furlandia 2024: Furries in Space, Anime festival Orlando, Antrocon, Anime Iowa Covention 2024, and Pheonixcon III, Staff and Attendees alike for the wonderful experience this year.

Ann’s Adventure’s staff will be at cons ALL OVER THE COUNTRY this year!

Florida: June 28th-30th Rhia will be at Anime Festival Orlando, in Orlando.

Iowa: July 26th-28th Gentleman Kiwi will be at Anime Iowa, in Coralville

Iowa: Feburuary 28th-March 2nd Gentleman Kiwi will be at Gamicon Selenium, in Coralville

Minnesota: September 6th-8th Carmabella will be at Furry Migration, in Minneapolis

Oregon: May 24th-26th Carmabella will beat Furlandia, in Portland

Pennsylvania: July 4th-7th Carmabella will be at Antrocon, in Pittsburg

Wisconsin: August 15th-18th Ann will be at Pheonixcon III, in Appleton

Wisconsin: November 1st-3rd Ann will be at NEWgameapalooza, in Oshkosh

Wisconsin: January 9-12 Ann will be at Midwinter Gaming Convention, in Pewaukee

More Convention Information

One shot Adventures

We make sure we have everything you need to play with dice, pencils, minis, and whatever else you may need for the game being hosted.

What games do we run?

Everyone is a goblin. Homebrew DnD 5e

Study Group. Homebrew A Familiar Problem

Everyone is a Goblin

We have dice, minis, and pencils to borrow, character sheets, spell cards, and deck boxes to take home.

Pregenerated characters at level 3, using Mordenkainen’s goblins. We have a Berserker Barbarian, Eloquence Bard, Trickery Cleric, Moon Druid, Champion Fighter, Hunter Ranger, Thief Rouge, Draconic bloodline Sorcerer, and Enchantment Wizard character sheets.

You are members of the Cragmaw goblin tribe. Recently the absolute looser of a goblin came back with a bunch of magic items gifted to him by adventurers that kidnapped him a few months ago. He killed the former goblin king and announced himself king. Now he is requiring the goblins of Cragmaw to work with the local mining village and protect miners from any threats that may be lurking.

Study Group

We have dice, and pencils to borrow, character cards, spell cards, the rules, and deck boxes to take home.

A familiar problem is a rules light single page RPG that I have broken down into information cards for ease of teaching at conventions. You are familiars your young wizards are at wizard college and really stressed about their final exams. Leaving them no time to play with you. Tragic. So you all decide to help your student mages in the study group study faster so you can get more play time. Weather that is stealing the answer key from the professors office or bringing a live example of what your students are studying is up to you.